Plaque Psoriasis Biologic Treatment (STORY)

It is a difficult decision. if someone had told me 10 years ago I would be on a biologic for life I would have had said no absolutely no way. But I didn’t have full blown, over 75 % covered in painful, ugly and mentally distressing psoriasis back then. I first got plaque psoriasis at around the age of 30. The result of tonsillitis. Methotrexate cleared it up, but in hindsight it was SO minor.

Plaque Psoriasis Biologic Treatment (

A relationship breakdown and lots of stress many years later, combined with another throat infection caused me to break out again in full blown plaque psoriasis.. and it got to the point where I was desperate. Over 75 percent covered… Uncomfortable if not in pain almost constantly. Totally depressed every time I got in the shower or someone asked me about my hands (because everything else was covered) ..

Biologics honestly were a godsend for me.

I am on stelara and my prescription was late once by 5 weeks. My psoriasis started to come back very quickly. I was also on cyclosporine and had to stop it due to side effects and again my psoriasis came back very quickly. That’s when I started Stelara. For me, I am happy to stay on biologics indefinitely. They have been life changing for me.

I hope that you find something that works for you. But I will just say, that if everything else fails, in my opinion only, biologics are definitely worth a try. Good luck.


Stelara Psoriasis Reviews (PICTURES & Stories) – Part 1

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